Monday, March 1, 2010

Linux Cybercafe it's Possible?

There is an interesting discussion about the Linux Cybercafés; this topic is very interesting for me because I really wanted to break away from bad habits of using pirated software. I have an idea I want to make a simple cybercafé billing software so that their assumptions about the difficult with using Linux in cybercafé is wrong.

Many people doubted Linux for use as the main operating system in a cybercafé. Maybe many people are complacent with pirated window so lazy to move to Linux operating system, although Linux is a legal operating system.

This is the topic in tell about this:
Note: warnet is cybercafé

Warnet Linux generally divided into 3 types, among others:

Exclusive internet cafe (warnet games without facilities) for these types of cafes, Linux would be very helpful, even Linux practically become a favorite. From ‘warnetter’ experience using Linux as its OS, the Internet users it'll be hooked and lazy to use Windows if the cafe had touched 1-2 times a cafe with this Linux operating system. Although Linux not virtually 100% free virus, but this operating system is relatively more resilient, besides the use of network optimization on Linux is much smoother, so users will feel much faster when browsing using this operating system.

Game station (cafe with gaming facilities and gaming) for this type of cafe, the main obstacle is not the local community for many games in Linux, just a lot of games like Tee wars, Net panzer, Stendhal and other games) but because of the limited local server (sky-Indonesia), so this game does not have many users in Indonesia, because the primary key to a successful online games is the availability of sufficient user community. We have had quite a lot of Linux-based Game station, but due to limited local online game that is not too much exposure. For online game service providers, Internet cafe market Linux has quite a lot, stay glance to provide a Linux version of the game there will undoubtedly grow Gamestation2 ready Linux-based connected with your online gaming.

Mixed cafe Internet cafe For this type, the easy way is to gradually shift your user (without a game facilities). Exclusive cafe (without games) is relatively more visitors than the cafe mix, because there is a tendency exclusive internet cafe users less like the noise we used to meet in gamestation2.
Organizations that shelter was quite a lot, is the Association such Warnet Linux, Open Source Indonesia (AWALI), Association Warnet Indonesia (AWARI), APWKOMITEL, and much more.

Linux for Cybercafe it's Possible? I say yes !!!

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